Opening of registrations for 2024-2025


classe de maternelle

Our classes

The Le Flamboyant international school offers the possibility of kindergarten education from the age of 2 with the aim of giving the child a taste for school and promoting schooling.

  • The nursery school section is divided into 4 classes:
  • The Very Small Class (TPS, ‘Toute Petite Section’, 2 years old)
  • The Small Class (PS, ‘Petite Section’, 3 years old)
  • The Middle Class (MS, ‘Moyenne Section’, 4 years old)
  • The Big Class (GS, ‘Grande Section’, 5 years old)

The curriculum

The school overhaul law creates a single cycle for nursery school and underlines its fundamental place as a first step in guaranteeing the success of all students within a school that is fair for all and demanding for everyone. This schooling time establishes the educational and pedagogical foundations on which the students' future learning is based and developed for their entire schooling.

The nursery school is a caring school. Its main mission is to make children want to go to school to learn, assert and develop their personality. It is based on a fundamental principle: all children are capable of learning and progressing. By showing confidence in each child, the nursery school encourages them to have confidence in their own power to act and think, in their ability to learn and succeed in school and beyond.

The lessons are organized into five learning areas . Each of these five areas is essential to child development.

  • Mobilize language in all its dimensions, reaffirms the primordial place of language in nursery school as an essential condition for the success of all. The stimulation and structuring of oral language on the one hand, and the gradual entry into the culture of writing on the other, constitute priorities for nursery school and concern all areas.
  • Act, express yourself, understand through physical activity And Act, express yourself, understand through artistic activities allow the development of interactions between action, sensations, imagination, sensitivity and thought.
  • Build the first tools to structure your thinking And Explore the world strive to develop an initial understanding of children's environment and to encourage their questions. By relying on initial knowledge linked to their experiences, nursery school sets up a course which allows them to order the world around them, to access usual representations and knowledge that elementary school will enrich.

The complete nursery school program from the French Ministry of National Education can be consulted here . here.

Special Features Of Registration For The Very Small Section (TPS)

The minimum age for registration for TPS is set at 2 years of age on the start of the school year. An exemption can be granted for children born before January 1 , but they will only be accepted in the class from their birthday date. The child's physiological maturity must be sufficient to be compatible with life in a school environment. It must be “clean” or about to become so.

Why Choose An International French Preschool For Your Child?

Adapted to young children and conducive to their development, nursery school is the first stage of French education, playing an important role in preparing the student's future.

Kindergarten has become a specificity of French education. We consider it important that children can develop in a school setting, with perfectly trained teachers, the first learnings which will then allow them to approach primary school with more confidence. This is the reason why this nursery education has now become compulsory for all young French people from the age of 3 since 2019.

By choosing to enroll your child in a French school from kindergarten, you give them the opportunity to build the foundations for harmonious development in a caring environment, perfectly adapted to their age. You also allow them to gently begin a solid multilingual journey. 

This trilingual brochure, created by the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE), is made available to you to make you better aware of French nursery schools internationally and thus help you make the choice of the French school in the world.

French English

French Spanish

French Arab

en_GBEnglish (UK)

Online Registrations

Start your children's educational journey at Le Flamboyant School. The online registration form for new students for the academic year 2024-2025 has been open since Thursday, February 1, 2024.

By using the following link:

You enter your identifier (your email address)

You create your password

Then you click on "create a family account" (Créer un compte famille)

enfants le flamboyant